
What is Email Spoofing?

Email spoofing is the act of sending an email that appears to be from someone else, typically a well-known company or individual, but in reality, it was sent from a total stranger. The intent of email spoofing is often to trick the recipient into taking a specific action or revealing sensitive information.

Data Integrity - What, Why and How?

Data is the world's most valuable resource, so organizations often go to great lengths to protect it. They must ensure it's accurate enough to translate into reliable insights and private enough to avoid costly breaches or corruption. Businesses must understand how to ensure data integrity to achieve that.

Best Tools and Techniques for Managing Remote Workers

The remote workforce has been more common since the pandemic forced the shift in work environments. BPO companies more commonly used it, but now, almost every industry offers remote work options. Especially since people found more benefits from working remotely, it's become a preferred environment.

A Field Guide To AWS Penetration Testing In 2023

A large majority of cloud users (businesses and individuals) think that the service provider is the sole party responsible for security. However, this is not the case. The service provider must indeed create a secure environment for users and make sure all its defense systems are up-to-date and running, but users also bear some responsibility. Plus, when running computers and resources in AWS, which is a rather complex cloud environment, you need to step up your security game if you want your data to be safe.

How to Create Content with Repurposing in Mind

Content repurposing is a great way to save time and create more value for your customers—but it shouldn’t just be an afterthought. SEO consultancy firm, Reboot, explain why repurposing content should be a major part of your content strategy, the advantages of transforming content into different mediums, and which types of content you should produce to achieve these benefits.

Software Testing Best Practices

Software testing as an afterthought has been a little passe’. In fact, most of the time it was being ignored by businesses thoroughly due to restraints in time and budget. Whether you are developing an application for the retail industry or healthcare sector, telecom industry or finance industry, undergoing the software testing procedures prior to its release has become a must. Ignoring this means you might end up losing everything eventually.