
5 Ways To Secure Your Smart and IoT Devices

All of the advances in technology have made for exciting possibilities to cultivate your own digital world, encompassing anything from your place of work to your bedroom. However, with all of these advances in technology comes a greatly elevated risk of breaches of digital security. Sometimes advanced technology comes out, available for the consumer before tech security companies have even been told what it is they need to be securing. It's crucial that people are aware of the fact that the more your world is dominated by technology the more you have to work at keeping that all secure.

What Are Residential Proxies, How, and Why Use Them?

Residential proxies are like virtual private networks (VPNs) - you can use them to hide your IP address and location. Companies use them for web scraping, SEO monitoring, competitive market research, and more. However, they are not as secure as VPNs but still provide a high level of anonymous browsing.

How to Better Integrate Cyber Security into Your Business Strategy

Cyber security is one of the most neglected sectors in business. When cyber security is mentioned, most business owners tend to be less concerned due to ignorance or misinformation. Most businesses are advancing with technology but do not have a security system that matches such advancement. Security is the root of all businesses, most especially the ones that make use of digital facilities. Let's delve into cyber security, its importance, and how it can be integrated into a business strategy.

Most Common Cyber Security Problems of 2021

All areas of life were impacted by the global epidemic last year, which also considerably increased our internet time. Additionally, companies were caught off guard by the volume and sophistication of cyber attacks that increased that year. According to Gartner, regulatory compliance and cybersecurity have risen to the top two business sector concerns due to increased risks and dangers.

6 Reasons to Private Your Social Media

Today a lot of people are happy to share their lives on social media. It is so tempting to get views, likes, and reposts. Social media can take a lot of time and consume a big portion of one's day when not managed properly. But the addictive nature of it is not the only problem. Another one is privacy and data security.

Which one is the best to choose in 2022: Java vs. Python vs .Net

Most web or mobile development companies face various dilemmas when they start a new project. One of the main dilemmas they face is selecting the right programming language. If you check out, more than 600 programming languages are available in the market. Don't panic. You don't need to know all of them as not all languages suit your project.

The Challenges and Security Risks of Smart Home Devices

Smart home devices are one of the most talked about technological entities these days. The internet of things is expanding at an exponential rate with the introduction of smart appliances, smart home devices, and other smart devices. With new technology comes new challenges and vulnerabilities. From hacking to privacy and security, the smart home poses a number of risks for consumers. This article will cover the challenges and risks of smart home systems and how to mitigate them.