
What is click fraud?

Whether you're an advertiser or publisher, click fraud is a concern for everyone. From an advertiser's point of view, click fraud will cause them to pay for traffic that is not intended. For publishers, click fraud may seem to increase their earnings initially but it may hurt their SEO, may invalidate their earnings at a later time, and also may potentially lose their publisher account. Ad networks such as Google have created measures to fight against click frauds and implemented various ways to detect and filter fraudulent clicks from costing advertisers.

Why do you need call tracking?

In the traditional method of learning how consumers reach a business, salespeople used to ask "How did you find us?" question. This is a rudimentary way of finding out the source of a phone call, and the collection of each calls to generate a detailed report is hard to come by if there are a large number of sales reps receiving calls.

What is a heat map?

Development of heat maps dated back to the 19th century to provide a graphical representation of complex data so that it is easier for humans to analyze at-a-glance. Back then, a gray-scale shading was used to depict data patterns and the darker color was used to indicated dense values while lighter color was used to depict lesser values. A few applications of heat maps include depicting weather reports, real estate market data, and financial market analysis. The beauty of using heat maps is that you don't have to read a table of data in rows and columns to understand complex data, but rather view a simple colored map to grasp the big picture of data representation.

How to detect Email Scams?

An email is the easiest way for scammers to mass distribute fraudulent messages to people, and it takes very minimal effort on their part. Email service providers such as Gmail, Hotmail, and Yahoo! do their due diligence and filter all suspicious emails but scammers are finding new ways to bypass such filters. As an Internet user, it is our responsibility to identify and avoid them.

What is passage ranking?

Google introduced the term, passage indexing, in October 2020 to rank "passages" to help users find answers to specific questions easily. The term is now renamed to passage ranking, and it is fully live in the United States as of 2021-02-10.

What is Affiliate Marketing?

We're living in an era where building wealth is easier than ever. You don't have to quit your full-time job to start making money online. You can start small in your spare time, build your business at your own home, grow your income over time, and finally quit your job and be your own boss. Learn how to make money with affiliate marketing.

What is the Facebook Pixel?

As a marketer, you'll need to know how your advertisement dollars are performing on each channel and we often use Google Analytics to analyze them. You may set up goals, conversions, and eCommerce tracking within Google Analytics to determine the sales funnel and also determine where users are dropping off within conversion paths. Google offers auto-tagging within its advertising channel (Google Ads) to make it easier to monitor the performance of its advertising platform. Facebook on the other hand, provides it's own performance metrics through the Facebook Business page.

What is a drip marketing?

Drip marketing is a marketing automation program used to nurture leads through email marketing, and acquire new customers. It involves sending a series of pre-built emails over a period of time to nurture prospects and build a brand. By sending multiple emails to the same prospects, your prospects will become familiar with your brand and bring them back into a sales funnel.

What is a VLAN?

A VLAN is a logical partition of a physical LAN into virtual segments. By dividing a physical LAN into virtual networks, network administrators can group devices together according to their traffic characteristics. Not all devices in the same LAN need to communicate with each other and by segmenting a physical network into logical groups, resources available within a VLAN can only be shared amongst devices contained within.

What are the differences between retargeting and remarketing?

Converting a new visitor to your website is extremely difficult. The average conversion rate of a typical online store is less than 2%, which translates that 98% of people visiting your site will leave without a purchase. The first-time visitor to your site will fall far below the 2% conversion rate, and this is where retargeting comes in.