
What is Cybersecurity?

Cyber Security
Cybersecurity deals with the protection of computer systems, networks, and data from cyber theft and damage to hardware, software and information. Cybersecurity is equally important for companies as well as individuals.

What are different File Sharing protocols?

File Sharing Protocols
File sharing is something which is part of our daily activities. This is also commonly referred to as P2P or Peer-to-Peer sharing. This could be sharing files between two nodes in a network or between a client and a server or between two nodes not within the same network. Any multi-user environment will require a file sharing mechanism.

What is Computer Forensics?

Computer Forensics
Since the WWW (World Wide Web) came into this world in 1990, fast growth is taking place in the professional, criminal and personal use of e-mails, the Internet, social networks, and computers. Those devices capture and create huge amounts of digital data which are stored in different places than most users realize. A user has less opportunity of terminating details-trails perfectly than of committing the great crime. Same as the fingerprint left on the chair adjustment of a vehicle used in the crime, a rough digital evidence (Fingerprint) always kept on speaking the truth.

What is InterPlanetary File System?

InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) is a protocol which seeks to replace the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) with the goal of having a truly decentralized Internet by changing how data is communicated across the World Wide Web (WWW). This is accomplished by a decentralized network where all devices on the network have hypermedia content stored and content-addressed for sharing. This process makes it similar to the World Wide Web (WWW), however, it is very different as it creates another network which works alongside a file system. The protocol was realized in 2014 by using the Bitcoin blockchain protocol and network as its framework which allowed it to store immutable data, handle duplicated files, and obtain addressing information across the network. This led to achieving faster speeds, more reliable performance, and better security than HTTP and HTTPS although it is not popular nor commonplace.

What is Single Sign On Authentication?

Single Sign On
In the most rudimentary explanation, Single Sign-On authentication allows a single user to access multiple applications using the same credentials. Single Sign-On is also commonly referred to as "SSO". SSO is commonly used in enterprise-level systems that require access to multiple applications within the same Local Area Network, which is now expanded to include Wide Area Network.

How to prevent online tracking?

Prevent Online Tracking
Have you ever used a website that requires login information? Or been online shopping and realized that advertisements are suspiciously familiar with what you’ve been browsing at? Have you saved your financial information on your browser when making a purchase online? Online tracking allows you to save these details, enjoy (or despise) targeted advertising, and capture your login details on your favorite browser. While online tracking may provide some beneficial features, tracking can also introduce unprecedented security concerns you might not be aware of.

What is a blockchain?

A blockchain is a decentralized digital ledger which is shared between every node on the network. For a device to become a node on a blockchain, a user must acquire that blockchain's token on the device so that it can be recognized as such and then be a part of the digital ledger. This ledger stores all of the data on each node across the system in such a way that it is all immutable; that is, it can never be modified or deleted. This process occurs simultaneously on all the machines on the network by having them solve a mathematical cryptographic puzzle which is heavy on the machine's computational power and can take a significant time to complete. This is the process which is called mining and a machine which is used for this is called a miner. Miners are typically in competition with each other to completely mine the transaction first as its only that miner who is rewarded with more tokens for completing the task. This is what has led to the cost of computer components costing so much as the demand for better hardware for miners has increased the price. One of the most popular of blockchains right now is the Bitcoin blockchain which functions as a cryptocurrency with a public digital ledger and was one of the very first to do this.

What is net neutrality?

Net Neutrality
In today's digital world net neutrality has become increasingly significant. As an Internet user, something that all of us should be aware of. Net neutrality is a fundamental law that several governments impose on Internet Service Providers (ISP). This ensures all data irrespective of the content is treated equally. With this, the Internet service provider will not be able to charge differently to its users based on content, platform, application or website being accessed.

What are cyber threats?

Cyber Threats
Ransomware is a type of malware that locks users from accessing their data in their computer or any mobile device. To unlock their data, the users must pay a certain amount of ransom, this is mainly done by the payment method which uses Bitcoin. Although paying is an option in recovering your data, it is recommended not to pay because we cannot guarantee the promise of the attackers.

Zoho Free Email Hosting

Zoho Free Email
Are you looking for free email hosting for your personal domain or smaill business? Google Apps and Microsoft Outlook used to offer reliable and free email hosting on a custom domain, but they are no longer free. A viable alternative to Google Apps and Outlook is Zoho Mail, and you can have up to 5 free email accounts.