Our domain tools provide information about your domain name, web hosting, and website traffic data.
Discover who is hosting your or anyone's website. Get information about the website IP address, name servers and more.
Learn Alexa traffic rank of a website, which is based on 3 months of aggregated traffic data from millions of Alexa Toolbars in use.
Discover age of a domain name, which is one of the criteria search engines use to rank a web site.
Trace source of an email where it was originated, and the IP address and location of the mail server.
Use this tool to verify if an email address is valid, and also check to ensure mailbox exists and can receive email.
The HTTP Server header tool displays the response header accompanied with body of the HTTP document.
Check if a website is down for everyone or just you. Sometimes, it isn't clear if a website is down or you're just having trouble with your computer. Use this tool to verify if the site is available for everyone.
Find your browser's user agent, or enter the "User Agent" string and determine the platform, operating system, and browser version.
Do you have a shortened URL that you want to know where it lands without clicking on it? Avoid scams and use the unshorten URL to reveal landing URL.
Do you know there are thousands of user accounts that are breached every year? Use our data breach tool to check if your email account has been breached in the past.
Our DNS tools will help you search for the DNS records associated with the domain name, and also verify the health of the DNS settings.
DNS lookup tool will query the DNS system to find various DNS records including A, AAAA, MX, NS, SOA and TXT records.
Sender Policy Framework (SPF) is the mail authentication standard used to validate the sender address from forgery.
Use our IP tools to discover your network, learn IP address related information, and enhance your network.
Would you like to add the IP Location widget to your website? We have an IP Widget that you can show on your website.
The proxy cheeck tool will analyze your HTTP connection, and determines if proxy server is behind your computer.
The IP Logger tool will create a tracking link that will log visitor's IP address. This tool can be used to find anyone's IP address by soliciting a user to click a link.
Find your public IP address of a computer connecting to the Internet, and discover your browser data.
Find geolocation including city, region and country of an IP address provided by a handful of IP Location providers.
IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are represented as a 32-bit or 128-bit numbers respectively. This conversion tool will convert the IP address into a decimal number.
Use our network tools to configure, manage and diagnose your IPv4 and IPv6 networks.
A MAC Address is a 12-digit hexadecimal number that is assigned to a network interface card (NIC). IEEE SA is the registration authority for MAC addresses, and each MAC address block is assigned to a vendor who is registered through IEEE. This lookup tool will find the vendor of the MAC address being looked up.
Use our web tools to protect your privacy and also check if you've been pawned by a data breach. Make sure you're using a strong password, and do not use same password on multiple accounts. For web developers, our web tools will help speed up the development process.
Unix timestamp is stored in seconds beginning from 1/1/1970. The value of 0 will be 1970-01-01 00:00, and the negative numbers will go backwards. The epoch number cease to work on 2038-01-19 due to a 32-bit overflow unless the number is converted to a 64-bit.
Use our web development tools to automate some of the manual tasks that you may have to perform routinely. We'll continue to add more tools to our tool box, so please check back often for more useful tools. If you would like us to build one for your need, please let us know by completing contact us form.
Discover who is hosting your or anyone's website. Get information about the website IP address, name servers and more.
Check if a website is down for everyone or just you. Sometimes, it isn't clear if a website is down or you're just having trouble with your computer. Use this tool to verify if the site is available for everyone.
Trace source of an email where it was originated, and the IP address and location of the mail server.
Use this tool to verify if an email address is valid, and also check to ensure mailbox exists and can receive email.
Sender Policy Framework (SPF) is the mail authentication standard used to validate the sender address from forgery.
Learn Alexa traffic rank of a website, which is based on 3 months of aggregated traffic data from millions of Alexa Toolbars in use.
Discover age of a domain name, which is one of the criteria search engines use to rank a web site.
Check if a website is down for everyone or just you. Sometimes, it isn't clear if a website is down or you're just having trouble with your computer. Use this tool to verify if the site is available for everyone.
The icons used on this Tools page are contributed from Flat Icon.