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The salary of a Salesforce developer depends on several key factors, including their roles, responsibilities, and experience level. Generally, Salesforce developers tend to earn higher salaries compared to developers in many other sectors. However, is this true for all developers across the board? And if so, what factors influence this salary difference? Does it depend on exposure, location, or other interconnected variables?

This article will explore the various factors that impact the average Salesforce developer salary in detail, offering insights into how different elements like experience, geography, and demand affect earning potential.

Key responsibilities of a Salesforce Developer:

The creation and modification of the Salesforce platform fall within the purview of a salesforce developer. This consists of building applications, coding and altering the existing platform. They are usually responsible for the design of the platform and for combinations with salesforce.

Salesforce developers are typically responsible for modifying existing controllers and triggers within the platform. In addition to this, they must apply application design patterns and adhere to best practices for optimal performance. Furthermore, they are tasked with executing unit tests to ensure code functionality and quality, as well as gathering and analyzing requirements for implementing new technological enhancements or features.

Salesforce developers need to possess a diverse skill set and demonstrate a strong understanding of various software engineering concepts, including proficiency in object-oriented design. They are responsible for integrating client-focused applications and managing upgrades to ensure seamless functionality. Additionally, Salesforce developers must collaborate effectively with cross-functional teams and establish strong working relationships with individuals of different personalities, ensuring a cohesive and productive work environment.

This means that businesses need an all-rounder—someone with diverse qualifications and a broad range of experience. However, finding the right Salesforce developer can be challenging due to specific skill requirements and market demand. Offering a competitive salary is crucial for attracting top candidates who can meet these varied expectations and bring valuable expertise to the role.

Average Salary of a Salesforce Developer

Salesforce developer Salary and Salesforce admin salary vary significantly depending on the country, city, and level of experience. Location plays a key role, with some regions offering higher pay due to demand and cost of living. Additionally, the specific skills and exposure a candidate brings to the table also affect earning potential. As expected, the more years spent working in the industry, the higher the salary, with experienced professionals earning significantly more than those new to the field.

According to the salary-check website Glassdoor, the average Salesforce developer salary in the USA for 2024 is just over $103K per year. This figure is based on data from 1,815 salaries reported, reflecting a solid average in the industry. While salaries can vary based on factors like location and experience, this number provides a general benchmark for Salesforce developers in the U.S.

Salesforce Developer Average Salary by Exposure

There are multiple factors that can influence how much a Salesforce developer gets paid. One of the most significant is the developer’s level of experience. According to Payscale, the entry-level salary for a Salesforce developer in the US is $65,353 per year, which is quite a solid starting wage. This reflects the increasing demand for Salesforce developers.

For developers early in their careers, Payscale reports an average salary of around $81,886. After gaining five years of experience, that figure climbs to over $100,000 a year. Experienced Salesforce developers can earn an average of $116,747 annually in the U.S.

As developers gain more experience, their earning potential rises significantly. According to Glassdoor, a senior Salesforce developer earns an average of $133,519 per year. For developers with 20+ years of experience, salaries can reach as high as $159,438 annually or more, with weekly earnings exceeding $3,000 in some cases.

Salesforce Developer Average Salary Based on Location

Salesforce developer salaries also vary depending on the country and city. Location within a country can have a substantial impact on earnings, and this is certainly true in the USA. While the average Salesforce developer salary is $65,353, this figure fluctuates based on the specific region.

Salesforce Developer Salary in USA (Cities)

It’s no surprise that the most competitive Salesforce developer salaries in the US are found in major cities like New York and San Francisco. For example, a Senior Salesforce developer in McLean, Virginia, can expect to earn about $126,480 per year, which is 11% higher than the national average.

Demand plays a significant role here. With fewer people living in places like Virginia compared to New York City or Los Angeles, there are fewer developers available in specialized markets like Salesforce. This allows developers to negotiate higher salaries.

  • In some cases, salaries differ greatly across salary-checking platforms. ZipRecruiter reports that Senior Salesforce developers in Lakes, Alaska, make an average of $154,350 annually, higher than many other regions.
  • This disparity could be due to the remote nature of some locations, where skilled Salesforce developers are in short supply and can command higher salaries.
  • It’s important to note that these figures represent salaries for senior-level developers and may not apply to Salesforce developers in general.
  • However, this trend shows that seasoned Salesforce developers may be choosing more rural locations over larger cities for better job opportunities.


Salesforce developers typically earn higher salaries compared to non-tech fields, regardless of location or experience level. This is largely driven by the growing demand for skilled developers.

If you’re looking to hire a Salesforce developer, be prepared to offer a competitive salary. In exchange for this investment, you should ensure that candidates possess the necessary skills, which isn’t always easy to verify.

For assurance, consider using Salesforce coding assessments like those offered by Quantoknack Training to verify a candidate's qualifications.

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