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How to prevent online tracking?

Prevent Online Tracking

Have you ever used a website that requires login information? Or been online shopping and realized that advertisements are suspiciously familiar with what you’ve been browsing at? Have you saved your financial information on your browser when making a purchase online? Online tracking allows you to save these details, enjoy (or despise) targeted advertising, and capture your login details on your favorite browser. While online tracking may provide some beneficial features, tracking can also introduce unprecedented security concerns you might not be aware of.


Cyberbullying is bullying someone by using an electronic medium such as social media, SMS, messaging app or email to harass or intimidate a victim. Cyberbullying is more frequent in children, but some high school or even college kids experience it. Easy access to anonymous messaging apps also influence teenagers to bully someone without identifying himself, and it makes it very difficult for victim to identify who is doing it.