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Ivacy VPN Review

IvacyVPN Review

The world today has become a global village. A lot of sensitive information about our personal lives as well as that about businesses and organizations travels over the internet quite frequently. While we appreciate the ease that networks have brought into our lives, we're not yet fully aware of the consequences that come with it.

VyprVPN review

VyprVPN Review

VyprVPN is a highly-regarded VPN service that has been around for 10 years, but its sleek new app design makes it look like one of the freshest VPN services available on the market today. The latest user-friendly design follows fresh on the heels of VyprVPN’s groundbreaking public audit to verify their claims of being a true No Log VPN service. By not logging any user data VyprVPN is able to provide some of the highest levels of security and privacy possible in the VPN world.

Secure Smart Home

A smart home is very similar to an everyday ordinary house. The main distinction between a smart home and a normal home is that ordinary mundane appliances, gadgets, and devices within the house (such as refrigerators, stoves, washing machines, etc) are replaced with a smart device version of it. These smart devices are capable of connecting to the internet and are used to help with everyday tasks. For example, a refrigerator which monitors if the food within it has reached its expiration date or a washing machine that remembers your washing settings and cycle. This grouping of smart items is commonly referred to as the Internet of Things (IoT).

NordVPN Review

NordVPN Reviews

Over recent years, VPN has gone from nerdy obscurity to a widely accepted tool for online anonymity and data encryption. The rise in demand has led to a broad range of available services, varying in speed, the strength of security, ease of use, and supported platforms.

Facts about VPN

VPNs (virtual private networks) are used by more and more people as they are now among the most trusted and reliable ways to secure our personal data and online privacy.

Despite the fact that the use of virtual private networks is on the rise, there are still a lot of fascinating things that people don't know about these services. For example, not a lot of people know how to choose an optimal VPN provider. If you want to start using VPNs and you want to make a safe choice, check out this ExpressVPN review.

VPN Smart Home

A smart home is a home connected through a network commonly referred to as the Internet of Things (IoT). This allows people to easily manage their appliances, thermostats, lightings and other smart IoT devices remotely using smart devices. The IoT functions by having devices similar to those in a normal everyday house except they carry some functionality to allow them to connect to a network for remote management. Some of the popular IoT devices include appliances, home security devices such as surveillance cameras, thermostats, smoke detectors to name a few, and more and more "things" will be available for smart home management.

Is Free VPN Worth it?

A virtual private network (VPN) is a network technology used to extend two or more private networks over a public network (i.e. Internet). It accomplishes this by creating a secure connection between two endpoints where all of the data shared between these two are encrypted. This disallows a third-party from tampering with the data trespassing through the public network. It also means that the IP addresses of both devices on either side of the tunnel is secure from the public. This is because the IP address used on both endpoints are only used as internal IP, and they are assigned a new public IP address outside of the tunnel.

Connect a Router to VPN

A VPN, otherwise known as a virtual private network is a secure tunnel between two endpoints for communication. This tunnel is built through Transport Layer Security and Secure Sockets Layer (TLS/SSL). All data passed between the two endpoints are encrypted and can only be decrypted by the two parties on either side of the endpoint. This means that all of the data shared between the two is secured and cannot be tampered with or read by another party.

Hide IP while Gaming

Today while playing games online, some might consider hiding your IP Address for some reason and question if it is even possible. The short answer is yes, it is possible but it comes with quite a few caveats. This is because typically; when playing a game online, you care very much about response time and how quickly your machine and the Internet can send the game server data and receive it. This aspect of online gaming is referred to as latency or lag. While the latency on a game can never go below a certain point as a person's physical location and distance away affects this, adding layered overhead processes between the player sending data and receiving data from the server can negatively affect this. And as it so happens, all the methods in which one can use to hide their IP Address would generate some overhead and negatively affect this; some more so than others. When players have bad latency or lag while playing only games, the experience they get while playing the game deteriorates exponentially and can quite often cause them to be unable to play the game altogether.